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Things You Should Know about Coffee And Antioxidants

Like any other coffee lovers, you might also put forward the antioxidants of coffee to testify that your favorite beverage is healthy.

However, opinions on it may vary from one person to another. While some may regard coffee as vitalizing and healthy, others may claim it to be harmful and addictive.

So are antioxidants really beneficial to health? Do antioxidants outweigh the sleepless nights that caffeine can cause?

Well, if you dig into the researches and evidences, most of the studies executed on this beverage and its effect on health will show that it is beneficial.

Research has shown that one of the most significant sources of antioxidants in human edibles is coffee.

Thus, let’s us today delve into the essential facts that every coffee fanatic should know about the impressive content of antioxidant in coffee.

Coffee is Rich in Many Potential Antioxidants

If you might be aware that free radicals attack our body constantly that eventually destroy essential molecules such as DNA and proteins.

Antioxidants are known to demobilize these free radicals. They prevent human body from aging as well as several diseases, including cancer.

So one of the edibles that is specifically loaded with various potential antioxidants is coffee. The beverage has antioxidants, including polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids.

While polyphenols protects the body from cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and more, hydrocinnamic acids helps in disarming free radicals and also, warding off oxidative stress.

The Most Significant Dietary Antioxidants’ Source

If you consume coffee everyday, it means you devor nearly 1-2 grams of antioxidants each day.

In the Western diet, beverages supply the largest amount of antioxidants. You will be interested to know that beverages offer about 79% of dietary antioxidants; whereas, 21% of it come from food.

Thus, people are typically more inclined to consuming drinks loaded with antioxidants than foods.

Moreover, a study was conducted to measure the content of antioxidants in different foods. And coffee achieved the 11th position in it, leaving behind various kinds of berries.

People consume many cups of the beverage each day and berries less. Thus, although berries are richer in antioxidants level, the amount of antioxidants entering our body comes from coffee.

Coffee lowers the risk of several diseases

Coffee is known to lower the risk of various diseases. Studies have shown that people who drink coffee almost regularly have lower chances (23-50%) to suffer from Type 2 diabetes.

Every cup can reduce the risk of this disease up to 7%.

What’s more, coffee is good for liver. Many studies have seen that coffee drinkers had lowered the risk of stroke, heart diseases, and also colorectal cancer.

Moreover, if you consume coffee regularly, chances of suffering from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’ds disease decrease by 32%-65%.

Another interesting fact is that coffee can help in eliminating depression in women, thereby improving the mental health.

Overall, keep in mind that there are many edibles that contain a high amount of antioxidants. But coffee is one of the biggest sources out of all.

If you want to ensure optimal health, it is always best to eat fruits and vegetables, besides enjoying several sips of premium quality coffee beans.

And for those who want to consume high quality coffee beans, browse the collection of coffee beans at Kahawa Safi. You will find 100% pure Kenyan coffee beans at reasonable prices.

Buy premium Kenyan coffee beans online at Kahawa Safi and enjoy the best sips of coffee every morning.


How to Use a French Press

The French Press coffee maker can seem a bit intimidating at first glance, but this method of making coffee has been around long before the Keurig and isn’t nearly as complicated as it might look.

The French Press, also known as a coffee press, has been claimed to be invented by both the French and Italian sometime in the 1800’s, but where ever it was made, it’s popularity has spread through the world and coffee addicts everywhere often tell you, if you want a good cup of coffee, use a French Press.

The French Press can come in different varieties, looking more like a decor item than a coffee maker, or can be simple and unassuming, but generally they all come with the same pieces.


  1. The beaker (glass, plastic or sometimes metal)
  2. The Lid
  3. The Plunger
  4. The Filter
  5. And some with come with a stirring spoon

Thankfully, using a French Press is pretty simple. Here are the steps to follow for brewing coffee using a French Press.

  1. Grind your coffee beans of choice until they’re the texture of sea salt. You can make the grinds coarser, but the finer your grounds are, the more likely they’ll pass through the filter and into your coffee. If you prefer you can buy coffee that’s already been grinded as well.
  2. Place the ground coffee into the beaker, typically 2 tps per 8 az of water.
  3. Very slowly pour your hot water over the coffee. Note: you want the water hot but not boiling so you don’t scald the coffee. You can also stir the grounds and water to make sure everything is mixed and help bring out the full flavor.
  4. Let the coffee and water sit for a few seconds and then place the lid back onto your coffee press.
  5. Press the plunger down slowly.
  6. The pour and enjoy your coffee!

It’s important to note that the coffee made in a French Press is best to drink right away, and typically doesn’t taste very good reheated.

How to make coffee using a pour over

This is a brew guide with step-by-step instructions on how to make pour over coffee using Kahawa Safi premium coffee. The idea is essentially the same across all pour over coffee makers. The brewer holds the coffee grounds in a cone shape filter, you pour water over the coffee grounds, and the water drips through the coffee into a vessel. The most important things when it comes to making pour over coffee are the equipment, the grind size of the coffee, the temperature of the water, the amount of coffee and the timing.

You will need the following:

  • Kahawa Safi Medium ground coffee
  • Pour over coffee brewer
  • Coffee filter papers
  • Scale
  • Timer
  • Hot water, just below boiling point

To make two cups of coffee, you’ll need 3 tablespoons (about 30 g) of Kahawa Safi medium-ground coffee and 17 ounces (500 ml) of water.

Step 1:

Set up your pour over brewer and get out the coffee. Place the pour over brewer over a vessel. You can use a glass, plastic, or ceramic brewer, although plastic brewers can give a slight taste to the coffee.

Step 2:

Pour at least 500ml of fresh water into a kettle and heat it until it boils vigorously. Remove the kettle from the heat and let the water cool for about 30 seconds before you start the pour over process.

The temperature of the water should be around 205 °F (96 °C). The hotter the water, the higher the potential you will over extract the coffee (bitter coffee), and the cooler the water the higher the potential you may under extract the coffee (sour coffee). If you don’t have a kettle that tells you the exact temperature of the water, you can boil water in a kettle and let it settle for a couple minutes.

To make it easier to pour, consider using a kettle with a long, narrow pouring spout.

Step 3:

Put the filter into the brewer. Use a filter designed for your specific pour over. If you’re using one shaped like a cone, you’ll need to fold the filter along the flat bottom and the edge with the seam. Set the filter into the brewer and place it on your vessel.

Pour enough hot water into the filter to wet it. The entire paper filter should be moist. Rinsing the filter will remove any papery residue so your coffee doesn’t have a woodsy taste.

Discard the rinse water and set the brewer on the vessel. Avoid using the rinse water in the bottom of the vessel. Then set the brewer with the wet filter back on the vessel.

Step 4:

Measure out 30g of coffee grounds into the moistened filter. Shake the brewer a little so the coffee grounds are at an even level. Level grounds will make the coffee extract evenly. Then place the vessel with the brewer on a digital scale and set it to zero.

You’ll need to keep track of how much water you’re pouring over the grounds, so the scale comes in handy.

Step 5:

Start your digital timer so you can keep track of how long to brew the coffee.

Starting in the center of the grounds, pour the water in a steady spiral toward the outer edge and then back toward the center. Be sure to pour all the way out to the edge over the ripples in the filter. This helps to keep grounds from being trapped in there and removed from the rest of the extraction. The goal during this pour is to sink all of the grounds on the surface of the bed. This creates a gentle turbulence that “stirs” the coffee, allowing water to more evenly extract the grounds.When the hot water first mixes with the coffee grounds, the coffee will “bloom” and swell up. Wait for the initial swelling to settle (about 20-30 seconds)

Try to maintain the coffee and water level, so that you are steadily pouring more water into the coffee as water drips down through the filter.

Step 6:

Slowly pour hot water into the center of the grounds and move towards the edges in a spiral motion. Fill the brewer 1/2 to 3/4 full again and then let the coffee brew. After you pour all the water, it should take another 30 to 60 seconds for all the water to run though the filter.

The coffee should steadily drip into the vessel below the brewer.

Your scale should read 500 g once you’ve poured enough water into the brewer.[9]

Once the coffee has finished dripping out of the bottom, lift off the pour over brewer. Carefully pour the hot coffee into 2 cups and serve them immediately.

You can discard or compost your coffee grounds then wash out the pour over brewer.

Important to note:

Aim to have the hot water finish running through the coffee in 3 minutes. You may adjust the exact time depending on the coffee and your taste preference.

If you find that the water is running through the coffee too fast, use a finer grind size next time. If you find the water is running through the coffee too slow, use a coarser grind size next time.

The final cup is reminiscent of one from a drip coffeemaker, but noticeably more delicate and complex. Observe the bloom, experience the first trace of coffee-drunk steam, notice how the spiral of the pour alters the final cup. This simple experience gets you in tune with your coffee.


Enjoy your fresh brewed cup of coffee!